The residential location consists of two 37 story towers located in Mumbai, India. The Aquaria Grande Tower will feature several different amenities including a car park, fully equipped clubhouse, and a sustainable podium garden.
Aquaria Grande is an iconic residential development intended to become a disntinct landmark in the Borivali suburb of Mumbai. This distinctive project originated from the idea of adjacent forestry and trees of Borivali.
The clubhouse in the podium is inspired by a tree form which integrates landscape and architecture harmony.
The forms of the twin towers are inspired by the forms of trees. The two distinctive towers provide over 200 comprehensive typical apartments as the trunk of the building, in the roof top, garden and shelter will provide to metaphor the form of leaf shade.
On the top of the tower, the triplex Sky Palace apartments will be the most luxurious and attractive units in the twin tower.
The Rooftop equipped with sizable decking provides a barbecue deck with internal garden, a Jacuzzi and splendid outdoor view.
The shelter on the roof of Sky Palace metaphors the concept of tree branches. It benefits underneath apartment by using 3 types of cladding: 1. Solar panels to absorb excess heat gain and minimize use of indoor energy. 2. Opaque panels to resist awful glaring indoors. 3. Transparent glass makes use of natural lighting to the roof garden.